This will become my new hompage for the domains : djbommel.de, djbommel.eu, djbommel.com, schwarzlauscher.de, schwarzes-stuttgart.de & weiberlectro.de (I had to secure this domain in memory of my good old friend NILS23).
Flat-File CMS
Grav is a fast, simple and flexible file-based web platform. No installation required. Just extract the ZIP file and you're up and running. Although Grav follows similar principles to other flat file CMS platforms, it has a different design philosophy than most.
Minimum requirements
You can easily run Grav on your local computer, as well as on 99% of all web hosts. These are the Grav system requirements:
Web server (Apache, Nginx, LiteSpeed, Lightly, IIS, etc.) and
PHP 7.3.6 or higher.
That's all!
Grav has extensive documentation, yes, in English, but very detailed, which will allow anyone with minimal knowledge of web programming to start designing web pages with Grav.